Frequently asked questions
Application issues
Questions about requirements addressed to participants, policies of request acception and cancellation
When will I be admitted to the Summer School programme?
After you fill in the registration form, we'll send you the first confirmation via email. If you completed all the entry requirements and filed all the documents, you will be admitted to the programme. After some time you will get the second email with further instructions.
What requirements are addressed to potential Summer School students?
Depending on the programme, you are required to speak Russian or English fluently and (for some particular programmes) specific degree is needed.

General Requirements:
1. Language proficiency in the language which is specified as the main for the particular programme. All additional events will be led in this language. For programmes led in English, Russian language skills are not required.
2. If "Bachelor course students" is specified as target audience for the programme, you must have finished at least one academic year of bachelor course of specialist degree training.
Are there any age restrictions?
Students under 18 years old are admitted to Summer School programmes accompanied by parent or legal representative. Students over 18 years old can enter programmes individually or as members of groups
Is language proficiency certificate needed
All classes and off-campus events in English-spoken programmes (except Russian Language and Culture classes) are held in English, in Russian spoken programmes - in Russian. The B2 language proficiency level is a preferable option for studying, but you don't need to provide the language certificate.
Is it possible to apply 2 or 3 programmes?
Yes, we kindly invite you to apply for 2 or 3 Summer School programmes, if their timetable do not intersect and programmes are scheduled one after another. Please inform us about such decision in advance, so we will provide you with the invitation for entire period of residency in Russia.
When is the deadline for admission?
The deadline depends on the shift you want to apply and on your country's VISA procedures. The shift-specific deadlines are listed below.
Shift 1. Apply until June 15
Shift 2. Apply until July 1
Shift 3. Apply until July 10
May I apply after the deadline?
Email us to We will try to make best we can to solve this problem and review your request after the deadline if there are free places in the study group. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee your request will be accepted.
What is request cancellation policy? Can I revoke my request?
If you are paying the admission fee at the time of your arrival to Kazan, you can revoke the request any time before programme start. There is no fine for such action. In case you transfer money online or via International bank transfer in advance, we are able to make a refund. In this case the potential student will be fined the transfer fee for reverse transfer.
Accomodation and off-campus events
Questions about rooms, dining and accomodation rules
When will the off-campus event schedule be published?
When the study group is completely formed, we will send you a timetable with exact dates and cultural/entertaining event information.
Where the dormitory is located?
The Student House (KNRTU-KAI Dormitory No.8) is situated within walking distance from Academic Facillty No.8, which incorporates lecture halls and the diner. Usually it takes 10 to 15 mins to get from the dormitory to the academic building on foot.
Dormitory address: 8, Chetaeva st, Kazan
Are there single rooms?
Unfortunately, there are no single rooms in the Student House
I want to take a room with my friend
Please, specify your friend(s) name(s) in the application form. We'll try to do best we can to fulfill your expectations
What appliances are rooms equipped with?
There are two-room apartments in the dormitory with double and triple bedrooms, a full-size kitchen with furniture and kitchen appliances, and a bathroom. Each bedroom has comfortable beds with bedside cabinets and sets of linen (a matress, a pillow, a bedsheet, a blanket and a pillowcase are included), a closet and a desk. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with towels, slippers, a hairdryer and toilet paper.
Is there Wi-Fi in the Dormitory?
Unfortunately, the Student House cannot offer a Wi-Fi network. The easiest option to get access to the Internet is to buy a local SIM-card supporting 4G mobile data. The average card costs about 350-400 rubles offering you 10 GB of data, however, there is vast variety of different pricing plans. Our turor can help you select an appropriate option.
Financial issues
Event costs and fees, budget planning, etc.
What does Summer School price include?
The price of one programme includes:
  • 36-hour academic course providing an official standartized document (certificate);
  • 16-hour Russian language course providing an official standartized document (certificate);
  • Double/Triple suit accomodation in the Student House of KNRTU-KAI;
  • Dining: Two meals a day, coffee breaks, welcome dinner, lunch boxes for off-campus events;
  • Visits to companys and enterprises relevant to selected programme;
  • Cultural off-campus events (city tours, visit to the Kremlin, excursions to the National Library, museums, exhibitions, movie theatres), entertainment programme (welcome party, theme partys, intellectual quizzes, competitions, sports events, etc.);
  • A tour to the city of Innopolis, Sviyazhsk Island, outdoor recreation;
  • Group transfet from/to the Kazan Airport on the dates of arrival/departure;
  • Mentorship and security support
The price DOES NOT include everyday dinner, swimming pool/gym attendance and transportation costs from your city to Kazan and back.
What is the average dinner price?
Dinner in a cafe costs around 500-600 rubles; in a city centre restaurant - around 800-1500 rubles. If you are vegetarian, the average dining cost will be lower.
What is pool & gym attendance fee?
One-time swimming pool OR gym use fee in the "Olymp" KNRTU-KAI Sports Complex is 300 rubles per one person.
What budget do I need to have to cover all my needs?
You can plan your approximate budget needed for studying in the Summer School according to the list below:
  • Visa procedures
  • Insurance
  • Round-trip airplane tickets
  • Study programme price (80 000 rubles)
  • Dinner (around 500 rubles * 13 days = 6500 rubles)
  • Souvenirs, etc.
© 2024 KNRTU-KAI
10, Karl Marx st, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan