Aircraft Design Introductory Course in "AVIACON"
In aircraft design, production and operation new technologies and innovations are continuously being applied in the aerospace industry as well as in fields related to aviation. Working in such fields requires a great amount of skill and knowledge from a person. This creates a need for specialization, which brings a huge amount of knowledge and a much deeper understanding of the construction and design of aircraft as well as the technology used in the production, installation and processing of aircraft systems, etc. The objectives of this course are as follows:
  • to provide a novice (aspiring) student an insight in the responsibilities of an engineer in the field of aerospace, and to familiarize the student with some of the science and technology which he will work with;
  • to provide students with a general overview of the importance of each of the main disciplines that it takes to become an aviation specialist and the practical application of these disciplines.
Regina A. Lei,
academic supevisor
Regina Lei
Associate professor of the Aircraft Design dept., PhD
Academic program information
Russian OR English
training language
80 000 RUR
participation fee
14 days
course duration
Apply to the course right now!
Shift 3 admission deadline: July, 10
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10, Karl Marx st, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan