The academic program of the course is built around data accumulation, storage, organizing, updates and search processes. Much attention is paid to fundamentals of database conceptual design, logical design and logical model conversion to particular database management system structure. Separate classes are devoted to physical implementation of a relational database in a DBMS (Access, SQL Server) and SQL Server DB user interface creation in Visual Studio environment. A set of individual and test-based tasks lets students master the practical skills of relational database design. In addition to classroom-based lectures, course students are provided with the opportunity to visit leading IT-companies of the Republic of Tatarstan.
—Gulshat I. Gaptullazyanova, academic supervisor
Gulshat Gaptullazyanova
Senior Lecturer of the Automated Data Processing and Control Systems Department
Academic program information
training language
80 000 RUR
participation fee
14 days
course duration
School graduates
Bachelor course undergraduates
Engineering Master degree undergraduates
To pass the training successfully, B2 level of proficiency in Russian language is needed. You do not have to submit a language certificate
Fundamentals of Database Theory
Basic notions of DB systems. Data models and their classifacation
Database design and application
Conceptual and Logical database design
Datalogical design for the relational data model
Datalogical design for the relational data model. Relation normalization
Basics of MS Access. Creating a database and sample query with the use of Designer tool
Data manipulation. SQL language
SQL language: sample request creation
SQL application in sample request creation
Form and report creation in MS Access DBMS
Basics of Discipline in MS SQL Server
Conjunction queries, aggregate function and subquery application in SQL Server
Creating UI for a SQL Server DB in MS Visual Studio environment
Academic supervisor: Gulshat I. Gaptullazyanova, Senior Lecturer of the Automated Data Processing and Control Systems Department E-mail:
Apply to the course right now! Shift 3 admission deadline: July, 10