Fundamentals of Deep Learning
The course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to study basic models and methods of artificial intelligence based on deep neural networks. The course is oriented to the competencies of problem solving in the field of image processing in computer vision systems and natural language text analysis in human-to-machine interaction systems. Laboratory classes and individual task completion lets the course students master the practical skills of specialized program means of deep neural network development and learning. In addition, the course program includes visiting IT companies
Nikita V. Andreyanov,
academic supervisor
Nikita Andreyanov
Senior Lecturer of the Automated Data Processing and Control Systems Department
Academic program information
training language
80 000 RUR
participation fee
14 days
course duration
Apply to the course right now!
Shift 3 admission deadline: July, 10
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10, Karl Marx st, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan