Sustainability of Smart Cities
The course offers its students the basics of ecosystem approach to city territory analysis, methods of computational and experimental ecological monitoring, usage of controllers and sensors applied in areas of assessment and forecasting the quality of city environment objects, end-to-end technologies of ecological safety management, methods of efficient resourse usage and production-consumption chain waste reduction, possibilities of waste recycling, means of sustainable energy production and climatic risk reduction, fundamentals of novel technologies of production emission purification. Much attention is paid to methods and means of development of optical fiber sensors for temperature, pressire and concentration measurement and express analysis of superintoxicants. The program offers the students to improve their professional engineering competencies while obtaining synergetic approach skills. The desirable result of the course is to provide Summer School participants with deep fundamentals of sustainable city development concept and environmental engineering, illustrating the information with examples of Russian experience and conditions.
Julia A. Tunakova,
academic supervisor
Julia Tunakova
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Department of General Chemistry and Ecology
Academic program information
training language
80 000 RUR
participation fee
14 days
course duration
Apply to the course right now!
Shift 3 admission deadline: July, 10
© 2024 KNRTU-KAI
10, Karl Marx st, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan